The simplest, free-est feedback widget of them all

Try it out

Easy NPS Widget
Create an account, get a free frontend API key, drop in the widget and you're all set.
questions={[ FeedbackWidget.Questions.NPS("How likely are you to recommend us to a friend or colleague?") ]}
onSubmit={(feedback) => console.log(feedback)}>
<Button tag="span" label="NPS" />

Customize all questions
Build a "Sean Ellis" feedback widget easily.
Ask a single question, or add followup questions.
questions={[FeedbackWidget.Questions.ThreeSmileys("How would you feel if you could no longer use the product?"),
FeedbackWidget.Questions.OpenTextField("Why? Tell us more.")
context={{user: {email: ""}, device: { mobile: true }}}
thankYouMessage="Thanks for your feedback! 🙌"
onSubmit={(feedback) => console.log(feedback)}>
<Button tag="span" label="Multi-Step With Thank-You" />

Target the feedback widget using Feature Flags
Feature Flags are the perfect way to target who sees your Feedback widget. Use Prefab feature flags or your existing feature flag tool.
// Importing modules using CommonJS syntax (if using Node.js or similar environment)
var usePrefab = require("@prefab-cloud/prefab-cloud-react").usePrefab;
var FeedbackWidget = require("your-component-library").FeedbackWidget;
var Button = require("your-component-library").Button;
var Logo = function() {
var isEnabled = usePrefab().isEnabled;
if (isEnabled("show-feedback-widget")) {
return React.createElement(
FeedbackWidget.Trigger, {
questions: [
FeedbackWidget.Questions.ThreeSmileys("How would you feel if you could no longer use the product?")
React.createElement(Button, { tag: "span", label: "Three Smileys" })
return null; // Return null or some fallback if the feature flag is not enabled.
module.exports = Logo;

Instant Slack Responses
Get your feedback where you need it with feedback that shows up right in Slack

API for result Download
Download all feedback using the API