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Release: Structured Logging for Ruby and Rails

Β· 2 min read
Jeff Dwyer

Structured logging is great. It works just like you'd expect it to. I got into a ton of detail about Tagged vs Structured Logging last week, but the short version is that structured logging is fabulous for searching and analyzing your logs.

I'm happy to say that prefab-cloud-ruby 1.1.0 supports structured logging for ruby or rails.

Here's what that looks like, in our controller we can

class CalculatorController < ApplicationController
def index
@results = logic(height, weight)

logger.debug "😞😞😞 finished calc results height=#{height} weight=#{weight} results=#{@results.size} "

logger.debug "🍏🍏🍏 finished calc results", height: height, weight: weight, results: @results.size

Even with co-pilot assistance, this is so much nice than the old way of string formatting log output.

Running the server locally, we get the following output:

DEBUG  2023-09-19 14:30:18 -0400: app.controllers.calculator_controller.index 🍏🍏🍏 finished calc results height=19.0 results=6 weight=0.0

If you're using log_formatter: Prefab::Options::JSON_LOG_FORMATTER then you'll get JSON output instead.

"message":"🍏🍏🍏 finished calc results",

Of course the real reason to do this is to make it easier to search and analyze your logs. So I'll deploy and then change the log level for our controller to debug to make sure we see our output.

Dogs in the right boxes

Now we can see how nicely these show up in Datadog:

Dogs in the right boxes

Structured logging is great, and with prefab-cloud-ruby you're just a few minutes away from having it in your app. Check out the docs or learn more about dynamic logging. Happy logging!

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